Professional Logo Design Agency in Singapore

Professional Logo Design Singapore

Nytelock Digital is a Singapore-based branding and marketing firm committed to conserving early twentieth-century logo design methods. We take great pride in being leaders in branding, graphics, and logo design.

At Nytelock Digital, we take pride in crafting professional logos of all sorts for businesses in all industries, be it in Singapore or around the world. 

Your logo is your company at a glance. It should be instantly recognizable, legible, true to your brand’s personality and demographic, and unique. As a professional design team, we can offer you high-quality service at an affordable price. 

With over 800+ logos designed in the past year alone, we are confident that we can meet your expectations. All of our work is carefully crafted and well-grounded in strong industry research, so fret not. After all, our only goal is to ensure you are 100% satisfied, and we won’t stop until that is achieved.

Nytelock Digital has achieved excellence as “Top Logo Design Agency Singapore” due to our amazing corporate branding and marketing services which historically generated 3x ROI for our clients. Our Logo Designing Services equips you with the ability to build your own strong and unique brand, that will last a lifetime. It is with no surprise that we are rated Singapore’s Top Branding and Marketing firm with 300+ positive reviews!

Budget Accomodation

We provide a 4-tier pricing package to cater to all budgets. The lowest goes for $175 (2 design concepts) and the highest goes for $395.

Grounded in Research

Prior to each project, we provide a brand questionnaire to get to know your industry and brand. This sets the stage for our research.

100% Client Satisfaction

Our goal is to ensure you get a final product that you absolutely love, and not leave you hanging dry. To ensure this, constant communication is key.

Dedicated Project Manager

Each logo project will be assigned to a specific professional from our team. This ensures that there is no miscommunication from both parties.

All Files Provided

We make sure you are set from the get-go. All files will be provided, including PDF, AI, PNG, JPG and in all colour variations (monotones included).

Money-back Guarantee

If by any chance (very unlikely) that you are unsatisfied with our initial drafts, you can call it quits and we will refund you!

Budget Accomodation

We provide a 4-tier pricing package to cater to all budgets. The lowest goes for $90 (1 design concept) and the highest goes for $295.

Grounded in Research

Prior to each project, we provide a brand questionnaire to get to know your industry and brand. This sets the stage for our research.

100% Client Satisfaction

Our goal is to ensure you get a final product that you absolutely love, and not leave you hanging dry. To ensure this, constant communication is key.

Dedicated Project Manager

Each logo project will be assigned to a specific professional from our team. This ensures that there is no miscommunication from both parties.

All Files Provided

We make sure you're set from the get-go. All files will be provided, including PDF, AI, PNG, JPG and in all colour variations (monotones included).

Money-back Guarantee

If by any chance (very unlikely) that you are unsatisfied with our initial drafts, you can call it quits and we will refund you!

Whether you are looking to build your new brand or re-design your current one, we can surely help you. With one of the best logo design services in Singapore, we don’t let our clients down

If you are unsure what types of logos there are, take a look at a quick explainer below.

Source: Kelly Morr, 99designs

Lettermark Logos

A Monogram or lettermark is a typography-based logo that’s comprised of a few letters, usually a company’s initials. The lettermark is all about simplicity.

By utilizing just a few letters lettermark logos are effective at streamlining any company brand if they have a long name. 

Wordmark Logos

Similar to a lettermark, a wordmark or logotype is a font-based logo that focuses on a business’ name alone. Think Visa and Coca-Cola. Wordmark logos work really well when a company has a succinct and distinct name. Google’s logo is a great example of this. The name itself is catchy and memorable so, when combined with strong typography, the logo helps create strong brand recognition.

Pictorial Mark Logos

A pictorial mark (sometimes called brand mark or logo symbol) is an icon—or graphic-based logo. It’s probably the image that comes to mind when you think “logo”: the iconic Apple logo, the Twitter bird, the Target bullseye. Each of these companies’ logos is so emblematic, and each brand so established, that the mark alone is instantly recognizable.

A true brand mark is only an image. Because of this, it can be a tricky logo type for new companies, or those without strong brand recognition, to use.

Abstract Mark Logos

An abstract mark is a specific type of pictorial logo. Instead of being a recognizable image—like an apple or a bird—it’s an abstract geometric form that represents your business. A few famous examples include the BP starburst-y logo, the Pepsi divided circle and the strip-y Adidas flower.

Like all logo symbols, abstract marks work really well because they condense your brand into a single image. However, instead of being restricted to a picture of something recognizable, abstract logos allow you to create something truly unique to represent your brand.

Mascot Logos

Mascot logos are logos that involve an illustrated character. Often colorful, sometimes cartoonish, and most always fun, the mascot logo is a great way to create your very own brand spokesperson

A mascot is simply an illustrated character that represents your company. Think of them as the ambassador for your business. Famous mascots include the Kool-Aid Man, KFC’s Colonel and PUB’s cute Water Wally. 

Combination Logos

A combination mark is a logo comprised of a combined wordmark or lettermark and a pictorial mark, abstract mark, or mascot. The picture and text can be laid out side-by-side, stacked on top of each other, or integrated together to create an image. 

Because a name is associated with the image, a combination mark is a versatile choice, with both the text and icon or mascot working together to reinforce your brand.

100% Satisfaction

Money-Back Guarantee

Proudly Singaporean

Over 200+ Reviews

Why choose us?

Over the past decade, we have not only created and executed branding and marketing programs for over 1000+ startup companies worldwide but also helped well-established international corporations elevate their image. Some of these clients include such well-known brands as Drunk Food, Overrice, FellasCube, MyLittleCoconut, and many more.

We are highly skilled at seeing the big picture and identifying short and long-term opportunities to produce high-impact ROI to increase our customer’s outreach with cost-centric marketing solutions.

professional logo design at affordable rates

Why is it so Important?

A professionally created logo encourages consumers to stick around by establishing trust and authenticating your professionalism.

It explains who you are, what you do, and how that benefits potential customers. It conveys to those who are unfamiliar with your company or products that you perform excellent work.

People will surely wonder how well you can supply your goods and services if your logo appears unprofessional. Have you ever clicked the return button or selected one business over another just because they appeared to be more trustworthy? People make rash decisions, and bad design drives people away. Forever.


Our Recent Logo Designs

All of our logos are individually handcrafted by our expert in-house creatives. Check out our logo design portfolio below to see examples of the work we’ve done over the past 12 years for a variety of industries and businesses.

Design matters and is necessary! Particularly if you want people to support you financially and spread the word about you. By making branding investments, you provide your small business the tools it needs to succeed.
Still have questions?


What makes you different from other "Freelancers"?

Simple. As a locally registered business, we offer an attractive money-back guarantee and accountability for our work, which no Freelancer can offer no matter their skill level.
The best thing? Our rates are on par with professional Freelancers, and we would never charge agency prices even though we are very much an agency.

I'd like to proceed. How does it work?
  1. Once you've decided to proceed, simply use the chat function or any of our contact channels to speak to one of our representatives.
  2. We will then send you our brand questionnaire to understand your requirements and expectations a little more. Once expectations are set, we will send you a project invoice.
  3. Depending on the project and chosen package, we will then be in constant communication with you (via email or WhatsApp) until you get a product you absolutely love!
What kind of files will I be receiving?

The type of files depends on the project scope. For instance, files for a print-related project would be more complex than, say, a landing page project.

In general, we will go the extra mile and give you all the necessary files based on your requirements to ensure that you will be good to go for years to come! This includes all colour variations, formats (PNG, JPG, AI, PDF), font/colour guides, and mockups.

Rest assured, you can always ask us if you need something specific. This is why we place heavy emphasis on constant communication.

What are the lead times like?

Again, it varies from project to project.

But to give you a rough idea, for a single logo design, it takes us an average of 3-5 business days to draft and conceptualize the initial designs. For a full branding package as listed below, it can take 4-6 weeks. 

Do let us know your timeline so we can work around that as well. We don't recommend this but if you absolutely need a rushed order, we offer a prioritized service with an additional fee. 

What if I do not like any of your designs at all?

If you find that you do not like our initial concepts, we can try and reconceptualize several more drafts for you. If after numerous revisions and you are still not satisfied with our work (although highly unlikely), you will be issued a refund! 

However, being professionals means exhibiting mutual respect and understanding. Our goal is to ensure that you are fully satisfied, but do note that our time is valuable too. We also reserve the right to refuse any unreasonable requests or clients.

Where are you based?

We are a local registered business in Singapore, with operations in Toronto, Canada as well.

As a digital company that values diversity and differences of opinion, we strive to open offices all around the world to serve local clients better.

Do you offer print-related services too?

Yes! We have partnered up with one of Singapore's most successful print companies, ClingSG. They offer a wide range of products at an affordable price. We only vouch for the best, and we can guarantee that your print needs will be 100% met. This way, we can focus on what we do best while ensuring that our clients get a holistic service offering.

What if I need additional edits in the future?

Rest assured. We keep all files on hand in our archive. Times change, people change, business landscapes change. So making future revisions is inevitable. Even though you are free to make revisions on your own (since all source files are handed over), we are available to help for a small fee.

We offer a 10% discount for recurring client projects and are available as a retainer as well. Speak to us for more information.

What are the payment terms like?

Our payment terms will be highlighted in detail when we send you our invoice! However, in general, we accept full payment upfront for small projects and 50% deposit instalments for larger projects. If you need special accommodations, feel free to let our representative know.

We accept payment by PayNow, PayPal or Bank Transfer. For our Canadian clients, we accept e-Transfer as well.

I'd like to join your team. How do I proceed?

That's great! We are constantly expanding and looking for ways to grow. Human Capital is by far the most important driver for our success. You may reach out to our HR representative via email at [email protected]

Still have questions? View our complete FAQs here.

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