
30% ⤴️ in Organic Traffic, 40% ⤴️ in Revenue: Harnes Singapore's SEO Success

Traffic Surge

A 30% surge in organic website traffic.

#1 Page Google Rankings

Over 15 keywords attained first-page Google rankings.

Revenue Surge

A remarkable 40% increase in online sales revenue.

Challenges: Empowering Motherhood

Harnes Singapore, a visionary baby tech enterprise, joined forces with Nytelock Digital to enhance its online presence. Aiming to facilitate mothers’ lives, Harnes Singapore sought amplified visibility and increased organic traffic.

Solution: SEO Transformation

Partnering with Nytelock Digital, Harnes Singapore embraced a robust SEO strategy:

  1. Keyword Excellence: Exhaustive keyword research targeted high-traffic keywords relevant to their offerings.
  2. On-Page Brilliance: Website optimization included meta enhancements and SEO-friendly content.
  3. Link Building Impact: A strategic link-building approach bolstered domain authority and credibility.

Results: Impressive Achievements

In a short span:

  1. Page 1 Triumph: Over 15 keywords attained first-page Google rankings.
  2. Traffic Surge: A 30% surge in organic website traffic.
  3. Revenue Surge: A remarkable 40% increase in online sales revenue.


Nytelock Digital’s partnership has transformed Harnes Singapore’s digital trajectory, catapulting their online visibility, organic traffic, and revenue. Harnes Singapore’s newfound strength empowers them to nurture more mothers and families, fostering meaningful connections.